I.M.Properties HQ
About the project
The development of HS2 has thrown up some issues. I.M.Properties have taken their forced relocation and made it into a great big positive. A bespoke designed, cutting-edge head office development has been constructed in Solihull to meet the growing needs of this midlands based international powerhouse company.
Robell Control Systems Limited are honoured to have been selected as a key part of the construction team providing a state-of-the-art building management system.
The site brought the different parts of I.M.Properties portfolio together on a single site, but careful implementation of the controls systems allowed each building to have controls appropriate to their usage/users.
Air handling plant, fan coil units, boilers, chillers, underfloor heating and air conditioning all operate to satisfy the needs of the site as required with demand driven usage from each half floor area.
A Trend Controls IQ Vision building management system sits on top of a network of localised controls and control panels providing comprehensive system access, logging and alarm management functionality
Six control panels, three riser panels and in excess of 60 Fan coil units are all fitted with Trend controls IQ 4 family of controllers. These communicate to the IQVision Supervisor to allow quick and easy access to any part of the building management systems.
Extensive recording of Heat, Electricity, Gas and Water meters by the Synapsys SIP+ system stores meter records and allows detailed analysis of meter readings and energy usage as is required to maintain the facility operating in its optimum condition.